Heey! What's up everyone! Since i've been busy with University and drawing i forgot to Newgrounds completly!
"Wot hell have you been doing?"
The answer to this is Manga!
Yes as you might know i am drawing mangas for a hobby(and making ilustrations ofcourse).
So since i can't upload my manga here, here is a link if you are interested:
Also expect a new ilustration on the next week. I could use some recommedation about what to draw.
Thank you for reading! :*
You can't upload your manga? I'm pretty sure you could. Just upload one page at a time with a consistent title (Title Ch## Pg##) and stick them in a collection on your profile page
That would be spaming in the Art Portal. I could try uploading a page per three days(or more) but that would take ages to finish chapters :S. I think about it...